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The Gallery at W83 Presents: Gallery Talk on Displaced: Stories From the Syrian Diaspora, with Majd Taby and Sara Kerens


In 2015, writer Majd Taby and photographer Sara Kerens spent ten weeks travelling among groups of refugees from Syria and the surrounding region, following their migration route from Turkey to Greece, then all the way to Germany in Western Europe, in order to document and share their stories.

Join both Taby and Kerens from 7:00 - 8:30 pm on Tuesday, June 25, as they discuss the experience and Kerens' remarkable photographs, on display at The Gallery at W83 from May 29 - June 30.

Register for free tickets here.

"...their faces betray their reality. The faces of people these stories belong to do not match the images developed over a lifetime of news and entertainment consumption. In the minutiae of daily life, smiles and jokes and small talk hide frowns and distant stares.” -Majd Taby