Known & Loved: Community Restores Our Mental Health
We are designed to be known and loved. Yet since the fall, we often hide in shame—from God and one another (Gen 3:7). On April 5, renowned psychiatrist and author Curt Thompson, MD explores how the experience of being known and loved within a supportive community can profoundly restore mental health and wholeness. He’ll draw on his expertise in interpersonal neurobiology, theology, and psychiatry to illuminate the cause of shame and inspire us to cultivate transformative spaces of belonging, vulnerability, and restoration.
Conference rate:
Registration closes at 12 pm on April 5.
Early bird through March 31 for non-members | $40
Fee from April 1 to April 5 for non-members | $50
RWS Member | $30
Student fee and scholarships are available upon request. Please email for registration assistance.