Filtering by: Workshop

"Designing Your Life" seminar
7:30 PM19:30

"Designing Your Life" seminar

The Center for Faith & Work (CFW) hosts a two-hour workshop by Dave Evans, co-author of the New York Times bestselling book, “Designing Your Life.”

Dave Evans will use a design thinking approach to help attendees from any field develop a constructive and effective approach to finding and designing their vocation beyond their current status. Tickets are $65 and prices will increase on March 24. 

For event details and tickets, please visit

NEW LOCATION! "Designing Your Life" has been moved to Redeemer Main Offices at 1166 Avenue of the Americas, 16th Fl. If you have any questions please contact CFW at

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6:30 PM18:30

@Sree's Social Media One Night Stand

Sree Sreenivasan, the newly-appointed Chief Digital Officer of NYC, will be teaching a social media workshop joined by other industry experts and guest speakers. Topics include best practices, how to cut through the noise using innovative tools and strategies, and tips and tricks for reinventing yourself and job searching. Admission includes one-on-one and small group consultations with "social media doctors".

For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit:

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Text as form: A drawing and writing workshop
7:00 PM19:00

Text as form: A drawing and writing workshop

Artist Harriet Finck leads a workshop inspired by her series of work, Kohelet, currently exhibiting at W83 Gallery. Participants will have the opportunity to study the writings of Ecclesiastes (or Kohelet) in a few different English translations, noting subtle differences and drawing meaning. Participants will then translate their findings into art-making, using text as form, employing a variety of mediums and experimenting on different surfaces. Those who wish to try writing in Hebrew will be encouraged.

Cost: $10 per person, includes materials.

To RSVP, please visit:

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3:00 PM15:00

Small Business Clinic

Council Member Helen Rosenthal's office hosts a Small Business Clinic with the NYC Department of Small Business Services. The clinic will include workshops on lease negotiations, neighborhood best practices, and business violations. The Departments of Health, Environmental Protection, and Sanitation as well as pro bono business attorneys will be on hand to answer questions. 

For more details, please visit:

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11:00 AM11:00

Collage making and painting with Howard Lerner

Join us for a fun art class with The Paint Place, led by artist Howard Lerner. The artist takes participants through his technique of collage making and painting to create a take-home piece based on one of his works. No experience necessary and all materials will be provided, but feel free to bring your own collage materials. Coffee and doughnuts will be served! 

For more details and to register for the class, please visit:

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